iOS 13 release was a disaster that everyone has come to know. Be it websites warning users to not upgrade to the latest iOS or the Department of Defense writing to their employees to wait for the next update. There were more than a few things that were wrong with Apple's new operating system.
Apple launched the iOS 13 along with this year's version of the hotshot iPhone 11, iPhone 11 pro and max. Statistics suggest that iOS 13's adoption was close to 20 percent after one week of the release. Although many users did not upgrade due to the underlying flaws, they also missed out on many great features. iOS 13 is a significant update from Apple and any honest review you read about it, would take a lot of your time.
There is nothing that could justify the security flaws, bad user experience and disturbing dysfunctioning of iOS 13. But, it would also be unfair not to highlight the excellent features that it brings with it. Most people who upgraded and used the new iOS App Development Services were more hurt with its blemishes than they were excited about exploring new features.
But those who were able to look beyond the flaws know that iOS 13 has radically transformed the iPhone. It has a list of prominent features that could change your experience with the device for good. Some of these included enhanced security features, performance boosts, iOS-wide Dark Mode, among others. Even iPhone's list of built-in apps like Photos, Maps, and Reminders get significant updates.
The entire build-up around Apple's new operating system has hampered the user's expectations. It's a shame because iOS 13 has a plethora of fun features for people who look beyond the surface.
Let's take a look at the things to consider in iOS 13:

Control Centre
Switching networks in Bluetooth and Wifi have become much more straightforward and hassle-free with the new operating system. Users do not need to open 'Settings' to do the task. All they have to do is press and hold the Bluetooth and wifi icons to switch between networks.

One of the most exciting features of iOS 13 is that it allows optimized charging. This means that a user's phone typically charges only up to 80 percent. The rest 20 percent can be used as a top-up battery when required, such as before an alarm, etc. Not only does it facilitate the emergency features of the phone but it also preserves the battery health for longer.

3D Touch
Apples also ditched its much-anticipated 3D touch feature in iOS 13. The operating system now makes all its functions available for haptic touch. It means that iPhone owners can hold links to preview them, app icons to see shortcuts and more.

Application Downloads
With iOS 13, one of its long due features. App downloads now facilitate no capping of mobile data usage. If a user is on an unlimited data plan, they don't need WIfi to download apps greater than 200 Mb.

Swipe Typing
When it comes to the keyboard, Android users are already familiar with swipe typing. Although this feature was available in many third-party iOS apps, it has been finally adopted by Apple.

Save Data
For users who are low on the data, Apple's operating system now allows low data settings. When turned on, it will enable the users to limit the data usage and not burst the limit.

iOS 13 also introduces an extended menu in its mail app. While options like Reply, Reply All, Forward and Print already existed, users can now find new options such as Move to Junk, Mark Unread, etc. Another critical option introduced is Mute and Block. It enables the user to mute any mail chains or block a user.

Silence Calls
The update in the phone app, allows users to silence any callers who are not in their default contact list, messages or emails. Unknown callers are sent directly to the voicemail.

Apple Maps + Siri
While natural language processing has helped the world develop new things, it is now improving Apple's voice assistant as well. With iOS 13, Siri can now replace confusing distance locations with more precise indications from Apple Maps. In another update, Siri can recognize the calendar events of a user and automatically set up reminders for them.

PS and X-Box Controller
The operating system now supports both PlayStation and X-Box One controllers. It enables the user to stream games from their consoles while use controllers to play it on their iPhones from anywhere.
There are more than a few exciting features that iOS has in store for the users. Although its initial release hit a rough patch with the users, its version 13.1 is all set to bring back the quintessential Apple experience. The only difference is that it's now topped with exciting features that will make you fall in love with the OS all over again.