Apple has no parallel in the technology world when it comes to innovations and experiences. The ground-breaking products from the iPhone app development company are said to rely on quality and precision. Apple's commitment to delivering quality experiences packed with the latest innovations is a reason behind the company's success. This year, analysts believe that the company will become the first trillion-dollar organization.
Instead of looking ahead at Apple's innovations and plans for the year, we take some time to reflect back on some of the greatest and distinguished innovations from the company that revolutionized complete industries and businesses.

The journey of Apple that begin in April 1976 has, in these four decades gone from just making smartphones to becoming the world's top innovator in tech. Steve Jobs, the father of Apple based his company on the idea of aesthetic and easy to use products that would cost high, but appeal to the people who place quality before cost.
Some of the products that made Apple what it is today and placed it in the front row of innovation are-
- The Mac – Mac was a turning point for Apple when in 1984 Steve Jobs unveiled Mac to the world in a Super Bowl commercial. That time, Mac was one of its kind and unlike anything that the world had ever seen. It was originally dubbed Apple Macintosh and blew away the world of personal computers through its revolutionizing design and the exceptional graphical user interface.
- The iMac – Apple had to go through quite a few setbacks in its computing business when Steve Jobs was ousted from the company. At that time, Apple was saddled with a confusing product line and there was no clear path that the company followed. After Jobs returned, in 1998, the company announced the iMac series that begun with the iMac 3G. This was an all-in-one personal computer with no external CPU. The Bondi Blue iMac became the epitome of the company's slogan at the time- Think Different. The product was a first with the prefixed 'i', a trend that still continues in all Apple's products.
- The iBook G3 – This was the first consumer-oriented laptop to come with 802.11b Wi-Fi networking built right into it. The WiFi technology that we take lightly today, was a ground-breaking revolution when the iBook G3 launched.
- The iPod – Apple's iPod forever changed the way we listened to music. The device was every music lover's dream come true with the ad slogan- “1000 songs in your pocket”. CDs ceased to exist because Apple brought in a device that could fit into pockets and contain volumes of music. While the initial profits weren't high, the device later became one of Apple's most iconic and profitable products. Over a period of six to seven years, a number of features were added to the iPod and creative marketing campaigns were targeted to boost its sales, which did actually work.
- The iPhone – In 2007, the first ever iPhone was introduced which immediately revolutionized the smartphone's technological landscape forever. After Apple showed to the world what compact computing could accomplish, other companies followed the giant to make copies of Apple's iPhone, but the smartphone's technicalities still stay ahead of the curve. Over the years, iPhone has generated hundreds of billions of dollars for the company ever since it was launched.
- The iPad – When people thought there could be no other product to follow what happened with the iPhone, Apple came up with the iPad. Quite literally, Apple kick-started the tablet era. While it wasn't the first to come up with a tablet product, it was the first to bring a tablet into the mainstream. Other companies the likes of Samsung and Microsoft then followed suit.
Apple's innovations when there were no other competitors to it, prove that the era belonged to it. To this day, the iPhone app development company never fell short of innovating and surprising its users.