Quick and Easy Reverse Image Search Techniques for Mobile Devices

Days are gone when people were only limited to performing text-based searches. In today’s advanced world, things that were perceived as futuristic exist in reality. Reverse image search is also one of those wonders that internet users never thought of but has emerged as a great innovation.

Date: July 23 2024
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What Shopify Store Owners Need to Know About the Future of eCommerce

The Online business market has changed decisively directly following Coronavirus. After some time, a few patterns go back and forth that might not fundamentally affect your Web based business.

Date: July 09 2024
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Best WiFi Speed Test Apps for Android

For smooth online surfing, streaming, and gaming on Android smartphones, it is essential to have excellent WiFi performance. There are many different WiFi speed testing applications available, so choosing the best one may have a major impact on how well you can evaluate and improve the efficiency of your network.

Date: June 26 2024
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How Mobile Apps are Transforming the Landscape of Payroll Management

Having spent, more than twenty years involved in the HR sector I have personally witnessed the significant changes in payroll administration. From calculations to software solutions the evolution has been remarkable.

Date: June 19 2024
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Top 10 VPN Service Providers In UK For 2024

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become a necessity in this era with the constant rise of cybercrimes and online theft. Many industries have started adopting VPNs to fulfill their every security need from the threat of data and bandwidth throttling.

Date: June 12 2024
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9 Best eCommerce WordPress Plugins to Designed Your Online Store for 2024

The emergence of eCommerce offers an excellent chance for anybody wishing to generate money online. This company concept can be rather profitable since many eCommerce sites nowadays bring more income than conventional brick-and-mortar establishments.

Date: June 11 2024
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How to Find Your Lost iPhone

If you are looking for a tool that can help you write poetry on a specific topic then look no further than Poemsgenerator.com. This free AI Poem Generator is your go-to source for crafting captivating verses on any topic you choose.

Date: May 25 2024
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How to Find Your Lost iPhone

Have you ever misplaced or lost your precious iPhone? Without the help of ‘Find My Service’ many expensive iPhone users would have to undergo massive bouts of depressions.

Date: April 24 2021
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What Did You Miss to Notice in iOS 13?

iOS 13 release was a disaster that everyone has come to know. Be it websites warning users to not upgrade to the latest iOS or the Department of Defense writing to their employees to wait for the next update.

Date: March 02 2020
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Does Background Apps Making your Android Phone Slow?

Smartphones can be irritating at times when the battery drains at a faster rate. You probably put your phone on charging every 3-4 hours a day and this frustrates you and makes you quit that model.

Date: Feb 22 2020
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Setting up a Tiger-VNC Server to manage your Operating System via Mobile or Tablet

How exciting it would be to control the operating system running on your laptop through your mobile phone or your laptop. Ease of accessibility is clearly defined is such a thing is possible.

Date: Jan 20 2020
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An Android app not working – what to do next?

You just can’t permanently quit using your smartphone and we all know this fact. We all have become so dependent on technology that we forgot the main purpose behind the release of it- to get convenience.

Date: Jan 20 2020
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What happens when you factory reset your android phone?

Modern gadgets are just flawless but don’t forget that a device is still a device and can get slow at performance. This damages user experience and there can be multiple reasons behind it.

Date: Dec 24 2019
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Amazon Pay Balance: Transfer Money to Bank Account Using Snapay App

The people around the world are using their smartphones to pay their bills. Shopping sites like Amazon is providing them the “amazon pay balance” option in which they can add money and pay for products using that balance.

Date: Dec 21 2019
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Top Health and Fitness iOS Apps in Apple App Store

We just wish you could get healthy by just working out with your thumbs on digital devices

Date: Dec 14 2019
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Big O Notation: Complexity Measurement and Optimization for Swift Programming

“Big O notation”, a well-known concept in computer science, and a must ask topic in any technical round for developer job. If you heard this term for the very first time, no worry, here you will understand what this “Big O notation” all about.

Date: Dec 14 2019
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Tips to Moving Apps from Your Android Phone to an SD Card

You wish you could download and install all the available applications on Google Play to your smartphone. But, you got to know about the reality of your android mobile that shares limited storage space for apps.

Date: Dec 07 2019
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Introduction Intelligent Conversational Interfaces

The use of conversational devices and smart speakers has been increased in the past years. In this article, we will talk about conversational interfaces and introduction to interaction flow, natural language understanding, and deployment.

Date: Nov 30 2019
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Top methods for updating iOS without WiFi

Due to the increasing number of internet users, the speed of the internet is disrupted several times in some areas, and people often suffer from unstable WiFi in those areas.

Date: Nov 30 2019
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How to track your iPhone device if lost or stolen?

You have just lost your iPhone and don’t remember if it got stolen, and you just dropped it somewhere.

Date: Nov 30 2019
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Guide to take android app from Play Store to different account

In case you are thinking of creating and using a new Google account on your Android phone and your developed applications are published to different account, read this article thoroughly. You will get to know about the steps to move your android application from Google Play Store to another account.

Date: Nov 22 2019
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How to install android app with just APK

Android devices are secured because you cannot install apps to these devices from outside the Play store. However, there is an endless collection of interesting apps that you can explore outside the play store and you may also want to explore them all.

Date: Nov 21 2019
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Why your business need the right set of mobile apps in 2020

If you are confused about how tech startups are getting successful with app launching and want to know the reasons behind it, then this post is for you.

Date: Nov 16 2019
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How mobility solutions transforming the healthcare industry?

Mobility solutions for the healthcare industry are turning out to be the next-gen technology. Enterprise mobile apps development companies are building hybrid apps by leveraging technologies and this is happening steadily.

Date: Nov 15 2019
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Various Techniques to secure Private datain iOS swift

As we know, iOS has already secure with sandboxing the application where data cannot be transferred from one app to another but if any attacker or intruder wants to hack or steal data on-fly then it would be very difficult to stop hacking our system.

Date: Nov 02 2019
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Swift UI Integration in iOS

Swift UI is the best feature developed by Apple and it is equivalent to the UIKit Where the developer needs to write code for UI events. It replaces the storyboard and controller with a new swift UI.

Date: Oct 25 2019
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Swift5 and iOS13 Migration Challenges

Every year Apple has done the upgrade in OS level and Swift language due to that it will affect existing applications and its functionality. So a developer or company needs to do an update and provide build to the vendor on time because it will impact the business more.

Date: Oct 25 2019
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Is Apple Catalina the best Mac OS Ever?

As much as users are passionate about this year's release of the new iPhone, so are they when it comes to the all-new Macintosh operating system. Apple is on a spree to radically transforming the user experience for good. It recently launched iOS 13 along with its series of iPhone 11. Although iOS had a rough start, it had some significant updates and improvements.

Date: Oct 12 2019
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Android Studio Version 3.5 Launches

As an integrated development environment, this latest release of Android Studio is addressing major issues from the previous version. Launching through a new set of infrastructure and internal dashboard will make it easier to detect performance problems within version 3.5. Over 600 bug fixes, 50 memory leaks and 20 IDE hangs were addressed prior to this launch.

Date: Sept 21 2019
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iPhone 11 Specification and features - what expect from?

Apple launched it's iPhone 11 on September 10. It will be available for pre-order on 13th September, Friday. iPhone 11 price starts from $699. You can choose from three models – 64 GB($699), 128GB($749), and 256 GB($849). Sold alongside the luxury range of iPhone 11 Pro and the Pro Max, the iPhone 11 can be the perfect iPhone for most people.

Date: Sept 14 2019
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iPhone users are over the moon with the release of iOS 13

Apple is unquestionably one of the most popular phone manufacturers in the world. The company is known for its superb quality products that create a buzz in the world. And, one of the favorites of all of them is iPhone. iPhones fall under the category of being one of the most famous categories of smartphones in the world.

Date: Aug 7 2019
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Brief about Object Detection using AR framework

The New AR Library which provides us the various capability to detect a 2D/3D image, Object detection and multiuser AR related capability where many users can play the 3D game at a time in the real world. For every AR capture, there will be AR session maintain in application logic to capture the 3D object detection.

Date: July 15 2019
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Brief about Text Detection using the Vision Framework

With the help of vision, the library developer can detect the text in the image. It can be static and dynamic data for detecting text using the library. It can be identified and recognize the text then the developer can enable to rectangular box around the text using the frontend code so that it will be visible for the users in a proper manner.

Date: July 15 2019
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Lint in Android and why it is important?

While developing Android applications on Android studio, we often get errors and red line on any functions or variable which is not correct. So to build an errorless android application we use some tools to avoid the wastage of time for compiling and running the code.

Date: July 13 2019
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Leveraging the Power of WorkManager API in ANDROID

The Android team has been really putting a lot of efforts in the development of the Architecture Components and one of them is the WorkManager API. If you read the official docs they suggest, the WorkManager is used to do deferrable and asynchronous tasks.

Date: June 21 2019
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Getting started with Room in Android

Android SDK already provides us with the SQLite (comes included in Android SDK) and there is Firebase Real-time Database and Cloud Firestore as well so why Room? From official documentation, Room can be thought of as a persistence library that provides an abstraction layer over SQLite.

Date: June 12 2019
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Mobile App Marketing Trends to Keep You Ahead in the Industry

Mobile app marketing is one of the key areas of marketing in the world today. Mobile apps are high in demand and thus, almost every company is trying to step in the arena of mobile apps. As, the number of mobile application downloads is expected to touch 258 billion by the year 2022.And, the number of app users is only going to grow in the near future.

Date: May 31 2019
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What is Android JetPack?

Android JetPack is the support library, includes android-ktx and the Android Architecture Components re-branded as a single modular entity. It is a larger-scoped effort to improve Android app developers experience, but AndroidX forms the technical foundation. It is the same libraries you will find under Support Library and Architecture Components.

Date: May 29 2019
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Revamping the Clock App in iOS 13 by Apple

Almost a decade age iOS was released, and it was a hit with the public. In the last version iOS 12, Apple focused more on the performance. The software was up to the mark but working on it was still dreary. Its under-the-hood improvements made the operating system run smoothly on older devices and also focused on reshuffling notifications and adding applications to determine screen-time management.

Date: May 27 2019
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How to use the capture list in Swift and avoid retain cycles in closure

Swift is a modern, high-level programming language which automatically manages much of the memory of the iOS applications, which means it allocates and de-allocates memory on its own. It uses the concept called Automatic Reference Counting (or simply ARC) which allows it to manage the memory. In most cases, Swift memory management works automatically.

Date: May 27 2019
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Google Taking Back Android Support from Huawei Devices

Google, the US internet giant, owns Android mobile operating system which powers most of the smartphones used around the globe, is set to end relationship with Huawei due to national security threat. The news may be shocking to all huawei smartphone users since the Chinese telecom giant will unable to access to Google’s proprietary services; including gmail and Google Map apps.

Date: May 22 2019
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Why and how to use Proguard in Android App Development?

We definitely have all heard from the Android community regarding the importance of using Proguard. Let's see why and how we should use Proguard while Android applications development. Many of the concerns are raised due to security aspects and performance optimizations of an Android application.

Date: April 17 2019
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Does Flutter and React Native are Next-Level Opportunities?

We are heading into an era where we are witnessing the technological advancements at a rapid pace and making the things extremely easy and effortless for human life. This task has been headed by the top industry players who are striving hard to take things to the next level.

Date: April 12 2019
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Implementation of iOS shimmer effect

As an iOS developer, you might be familiar with the Shimmer Effect which you must have seen the Slide to Unlock animation. Shimmer was originally developed to show loading status in the Paper application. It is widely adopting and seen in many applications like Facebook, which enhances the look and feel of the app and makes them look more dynamic.

Date: April 08 2019
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Early Returning Functions

Returning values and objects from a function are one of the core programming concepts found in almost every language. A Functional Programming language is a center around the concept of pure functions. A pure function is a function that produces the same output given the same input and hence doesn’t generate any side effects or misbehaves.

Date: April 06 2019
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Explain Project Rome SDKs? How to implement in iOS and Android

The project Rome, the open source project which was released by Microsoft has become the talk of the town has reached to its v1.0, along with has also started to provide support for the cross-device and cross-platform experience that can go ahead with the user in multiple situations.

Date: April 02 2019
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VDC and SOTI research to depict expansion and development of business-critical mobility in the business

In September 2018, VDC Research and SOTI joined hands on global research to describe the proliferation and development of business-critical mobility in the business, and the reason for why it is critical.

Date: March 30 2019
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Android App Using MVVM Architecture

In this tutorial, we are going to create a sample application on the recommended MVVM Architecture Pattern and you will notice how it improves overall code quality, maintenance and debugging of our app.

Date: March 14 2019
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Brief about iOS App with VPN enabled

Many of the apps are secured with VPN because it will protect data from snoopers and mask true location. It hides the online forays in a secure tunnel that outsiders can’t penetrate. VPN used in the app to secure the private server that helps disguise to the location, activity and protects against us from outside incursions.

Date: March 06 2019
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Upgradation of iOS

Upgrading the iOS app from iOS10/iOS11 to iOS12 is a very tedious task. Developers have to face many issues while migrating the application from iOS10/iOS11 to iOS12. There are a lot of crucial things need to understand before migrating of apps. There are lots of challenges for all the developers as well as companies who are developing the iOS application.

Date: February 28 2019
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Transfer iMessages from Old iPhone to New iPhone

Let’s see today, how to transfer text messages or iMessages from your old device to the new one. There are two ways to transfer your messages to the new device.

Date: February 24 2019
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Optimizing your app page description is half the battle won?

Now a days, we see millions of apps in the App stores or Play stores. There are a plenty of similar kind of mobile applications which offer almost identical type of services and products as well. Or, in simple words, we can say that the completion in the app world is rising.

Date: February 20 2019
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Best Android Studio Plugins for Developers

Although with recent releases, Android Studio has been catching up on many useful features. Still, there are few Android Studio plugins which when included in your workflow will definitely help you code faster and better. They contribute to overall quality of the code and productivity of developers.

Date: February 15 2019
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Native vs. React native- Is this a Game Changer

Native vs. React native has been a topic of discussion for quite a while now. ‘React Native’ which started as one of the internal hackathon projects at Facebook is now competing with the native technologies of Mobility.

Date: January 19 2019
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Migrate to New iOS Device

Guide for those who switch from Android to iPhone and those who upgrade to an old iPhone. Our Dedicated iPhone App Developer is much excited to help iOS, iPhone, iPad lovers.

Date: January 17 2019
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App Content indexing using Core Spotlight Framework

To find something, you can swipe down from the top and enter the content. It enables us to quickly find the application. But the result set contains only the name of the iPhone applications matching the content written in the search field. But if I tell you that you can search within the app without actually opening content and data, all at one place. Yes, it’s possible now using Apple’s Core Spotlight Framework.

Date: January 10 2019
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Smooth Scrolling with iOS 10 Pre-Fetching API

Have you ever seen an application that stutters while scrolling? If yes, then you would imagine how disappointing the experience is. Imagine you are scrolling and the content of application appears to stutter. You might want to know the reason behind this lag. The answer is application is dropping frames while scrolling.

Date: January 04 2019
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WhatsApp soon planning to Launch its Dark Mode Version for iOS and Android Users - Read Details Inside

It's been only a couple of months when the world witnessed the dark mode version of YouTube and Messages was released in Android OS. Dark theme support seems to have become the latest trend nowadays. App developers are loving it and working with a lot more enthusiasm to make it live, including Google.

Date: December 20 2018
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Compliance Security policy for mobile devices using Microsoft Intune

As we saw in our previous blogs that Microsoft Intune simplifies BYOD and mobile device management. Intune manages personal devices in a corporate environment, giving employees access to corporate resources whatever they want on their own mobile devices.

Date: November 22 2018
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Using ML Kit in Android

It has been a little more than a year since Google announced that they are changing their core strategy from “Mobile First” to “AI first”. Since then a lot of focus in technology is shifted to Artificial Intelligence and quite visible efforts are being put in this area from all the dominant players of web — Google, Amazon and Facebook.

Date: November 20 2018
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Role of 5G Technology to Improve Real Time Data Transfer Speeds

A technology never like before is set to transform the way people do everything. The fifth generation of mobile networks, 5G, is expected to become commercially available by 2020.

Date: October 20 2018
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Outline and walkthrough of Microsoft Intune

Microsoft Intune is the one of the component of Microsoft Enterprise Mobility +Security. Microsoft Intune is basically allowing organisation for managing the mobile and remote devices, mobile based applications, and prevent data leakage from various corporate applications used by users on their devices.

Date: October 09 2018
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Double revenue with 50% less number of app installs, what’s secret of Apple’s incessant success?

The endless tussle between the numbers of Android and iOS took a new turn recently. As per the difference of the revenue generated by the App Store and Play store, it was observed that Apple generates...

Date: October 05 2018
Author: -

Companies are taking their revenue to a new high by adopting Enterprise Mobility Solutions

For every business it is utmost important to adopt new techniques, and include newer strategies in their business which help them to gain more and more revenue.

Date: October 01 2018
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What's new in iOS 12

iOS 12 has been enhanced to speed up the things you do every day. iOS has been renovated for improved performance on even older devices such as iPhone 5s and iPad Air.

Date: September 28 2018
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Fetch a list of popular TV shows using themoviedb API using Retrofit2 in Android

Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. It is mostly used to retrieve JSON data via a REST based webservices.It is developed by “Square”. Android Retrofit API is one of the most useful libraries which makes life of Android Developers easy to...

Date: September 26 2018
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How to Create a Ruler Control with Swift - Part 1

In this tutorial, you are going to create a Ruler control (in centimetre and inch). To keep things clean, you’ll use ordinary UIKit APIs.

Date: September 22 2018
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Android Data Binding in Recycler View

Databinding in android give you the easiest and much powerful way to connect UI elements of your application’s layout with business logic by using declarative layouts which minimizes your effortsof writing code and update the layouts programmatically without manual interference.

Date: September 11 2018
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Play music from JSON data using retrofit2 and rxjava2 in Android

RxJava is a Reactive Extensions library for the Java Virtual Machine. It is for composing asynchronous and event based programs using observable sequences for the Java Virtual Machine.

Date: September 08 2018
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MDM, EMM, UEM: The transformation of enterprise mobility world

With the advent of portable devices like smartphones, tablets and rugged devices, software & application updates, security patches were difficult to handle.IT leaders needed a single point solution wherein they can manage and control the services provisioned tothese portable devices effectively, thanks to device management technologies.

Date: August 28 2018
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Implementing Fingerprint Authentication in Android

Android versions 6.0 (marshmallow) and onwards come with finger print authentication support. It is a more convenient way for users to get authenticated with a single touch. To achieve this goal finger print sensors are used to verify the identity of the user. It is a rather new security feature that has been used in mobile devices.

Date: August 18 2018
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Firebase Push Notification in Android

FCM or Firebase cloud messaging is a new version of GCM which is Google Cloud Messaging.It is a cross platform messaging platform that help to push messages across various devices. Firebase platform make a bridge in between server and the devices where push notification is going to be fired.

Date: August 11 2018
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Internet connection status through Broadcast Receiver in Android

Broadcast receiver is a medium through which communication is done with the registered app and the outside OS system.We needs to register and unregister this functionality according to our requirement. At first we have to register each broadcast receiver to get appropriate notification during desired situations.

Date: August 07 2018
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Downloading Media in Android (Download Manager)

Downloading Media files in android is a very important task that every app is now performing such as: download pdf or excel file or an image or videos. But it should not hamper the main application’s other tasks means we can see the other features of that app while downloading a video through that app. In android so we need to run that download process in background and hence we need to implement Download Manager which allows downloading media in background.

Date: August 01 2018
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Content Placeholder Animation for Android using Shimmer Effects

Progress bar or spinner loaders are used in applications to load the data on screens whenever application gets the data from a network call. These spinners are in horizontal or circular styles displays on screens to load data but now let’s have some change inyour android applications to make them more interesting and impressive by using cool shimmer animation in your application’s views which makes your front end design more attractive and appealing.

Date: July 07 2018
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All eyes are set on WWDC 2018, here’s how it’s serving the purpose!

As we know that Apple organizesWorldwide Developer Conference every year to put of the curtains from a host of new updates for its software platforms. This year also, the WWDC was expected to unveil a lot of exciting new features and advancements in a variety of Apple devices includingmacOS 10.14, iOS 12, watchOS 5 as well as the tv OS 12.

Date: June 09 2018
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The Ultimate Checklist for Outsourcing Mobile App Development Company

With smartphones users growing by millions each year, mobile apps have become an absolute necessity to have it in the business plan.

Date: June 06 2018
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The Critical Role of IoT in Enterprise Mobility Solutions

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making a large impact on businesses, especially in Enterprise Mobility. IoT driven Enterprise Mobility helps the companies become more productive and hence more profitable.

Date: June 05 2018
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Key Considerations To Ensure Enterprise Mobility Security

Today, enterprise mobility plan has become a vital part of every business strategy to make an enterprise more efficient and productive. Enterprises are moving towards digitization embracing BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-Device) that hit the marketplace every day. But with this advancement, the security is affected adversely. The hackers with their hacking skills try to get into their devices and applications to destroy the business or user information and implant malware.

Date: June 05 2018
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How Phonegap is better then Xamarin

Mobile phones have taken over the world by storm. Almost every business is trying its best to make the full use of the mobile based assets to enhance their business practices. Also, companies are looking for cost-efficient and high-on-performance mobile phone apps.

Date: May 21 2018
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Integrating Google’s reCAPTCHA in Android Application

The recaptcha service was introduced to protect websites and applications from spam attacks, as you might have seen the recaptcha is implemented in many webpages .If there is any suspicion that the application is being accessed by a bot instead of a human then it requires the user to solve a captcha before continuing on to the application. This ensures that the access to the application is legitimate one and not a spam attack. You can integrate a captcha wherever you want in your application to protect your app from spam and other abusive actions.

Date: May 18 2018
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Integrating Firebase in Android project and Register User with Authentication

Firebase is a mobile and web application developmentcloud platformwith a lot of features for mobile application developers launched by google which helps them to build their applications in a better way. It helps you to work as your server (without any configuration)

Date: May 18 2018
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How Enterprise Mobility Solutions are paving the Way for Indian Healthcare?

In today’s media-frenzy world, anything that’s in the limelight for more than a few days becomes the talk of town.

Date: May 14 2018
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These Innovations and Products from Apple Rule the World

Apple has no parallel in the technology world when it comes to innovations and experiences. The ground-breaking products from the iPhone app development company are said to rely on quality and precision.

Date: May 08 2018
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Reasons to choose Node.js for Enterprise Mobile Apps

Creating an enterprise app is an important decision which is followed by a lot of other choices that you would need to make if you are looking to create an app that performs exceptionally well and is easy and secure.

Date: May 01 2018
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5 Alarming Hints that you need of an Enterprise Mobile Application

Enterprise mobile application is a major part of a business in this world of digitization where, people are addicted to their smartphones. According to a survey, 85% of people use smartphones and at least 61% of people look into their Smartphone within a span of every 5 minutes.

Date: April 21 2018
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How GST Launched an App Race

Summary: The impending GST roll out has created confusion and scare among small and medium business. Fortunately, a number of apps are now all set to ease the situation

Date: April 15 2018
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Best Testing Tools That Assist Mobile App Developers In Their Projects

Developing an android app involves different tools and it is not similar to the web application development. More users are going mobile-friendly, yet there are applications that failed to grab attention of them and this poses new challenges in engaging the user.

Date: April 05 2018
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how to Integrate TextInPut Layout in Android?

Android's Design Support Library includes many views and components specially for supporting material design. TextInputLayout is one such component which adds a wrapper around standard edittext widget thereby improving handling of hint text and error text.

Date: March 27 2018
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How To Design Alarm Clock App On Ios App Development Platform?

NexMobility iOS developers India have intended many apps and today, they will share their experience of developing alarm clock app with iOS app development community worldwide. This app works well and sets one alarm at a time. You can follow the below instructions and steps to get an ideal working alarm clock application.

Date: March 21 2018
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How To Create Sidebar View Using Third Party Library In IOS

In this tutorial, iphone app developers will tell you how to create Sidebar view (Menu view) using third party library. They are using SWRevealViewController library created by John Lluch. Let’s get started to learn how the things get done.

Date: March 14 2018
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